What I Want My Daughter to Know

What do I want my daughter to know when she grows up?

I want her to know that she CAN do hard things, that she was MADE FOR BRAVE. πŸ’ͺ🏼

I want her to respect what her body can do; to TAKE CARE of that body because she CAN & not because she has to. πŸ’•

I want her to KNOW deep down in her soul that she is LOVED & that “BEING LOVED BY GOD” is the only thing that TRULY defines her. πŸ™πŸΌ

I want her to SEE her momma & all she’s been through & know that she is CAPABLE of thriving instead of just surviving even the worst of storms. β˜”οΈ

I KNOW that Courage. Faith. Hope. &&& most of all… LOVE. will ALWAYS be hers.

I only PRAY that she KNOWS it & NEVER EVER FORGETS. ❀

(And, to each & every Momma reading this: I pray you know the same things about you, too. Courage, faith, hope & love are yours. You just have to remember to use them! 😘)

#mommydaughter #myhopesforher #wifeandwidow #loveafterloss #parenting

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Proud mom, blogger, and coffee consumer

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