What Are You Living For?

You were put here for a reason. I believe that, wholly. And I believe that purpose is holy.

I believe that every day that you are here is a day that was created with you in it on purpose.

Some days that can be hard to believe.

But, hold on, dear one. And, know that your purpose isn’t to be discouraged or let down or defeated. You are alive and you ARE victorious.

Trying to find your purpose? I think God has made it pretty clear. Whether you believe in the Bible or not, even the Universe points to it. Anything that makes this world a better place is full of love. Love is something (and possibly the only thing) that is worth living for. It’s worth breathing for. It’s worth even the grey-ist of days.

If I give everything I own to the poor… but I don’t love, I’ve gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I am nothing without love. (1 Corinthians 13:3 MSG)

And, I’m not talking about the kind of love you see on most television shows. Or the kind of love splashed on the front pages of magazines. I am talking about real love.

A love that never gives up. A love that cares more for others than for self. A love that doesn’t want what it doesn’t have. A love that doesn’t strut. A love that doesn’t have an ego, that doesn’t force itself on others. A love that isn’t always “me first” and doesn’t get angry easily. A love that doesn’t keep score. That doesn’t keep track of the sins of others. A love that doesn’t revel when others grovel. A love that takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, puts up with anything, trusts God always, sees the best, never looks back but keeps going to the end. A love that never dies. (1 Corinthians 13:4-8 MSG) Love is an infinite victory.

We are not called to judge, or to wield our opinions as swords. We were called to come alongside our sisters and brothers, every single one. We were called to show love. Smile at that stranger. Forgive the person that said the wrong thing at the exact wrong time. Offer an encouraging word to the parent trying to wrangle their small child at Target (chances are it’s me, anyhow). Send a note. Give a hug to someone you love.

Meet each and every person with kindness and with overflowing love. For every single person you encounter is facing a challenge that you know nothing about.

Be brave. Live to love.

My prayer for purpose:

“Lord, be with me. Help me to emulate light and love as naturally and effortlessly as you do. Amen.”

Published by


Proud mom, blogger, and coffee consumer

10 thoughts on “What Are You Living For?”

  1. Alyssa,

    Thank you for sharing your inspirational blog! I love the way you write with such love and hope, it truly touches my heart. You make me think, you give me hope and you turn me to God, always! Always love seeing whats next!!

    1. Kristina! Thank you so much for following my new blog. I am so appreciative and so thankful for your kind comment. I felt like I was supposed to write yesterday, I asked God what about and this is what came out. Maybe it was meant for you? :] Have a wonderful day! God bless!

  2. This is something my grandma told me once when I was devastated by hurt and I claimed that I loved too much….She told me that it is impossible to love too much, it just makes your heart bigger and that is a good thing. Love that you are writing and that I can read. You are simply amazing and I am so happy for you and your baby girl and your continued success. You are such an inspiration, every day.

    1. Carla! What a true statement. I am sure your grandmother is a beautiful person. Loving can be so hard when we’ve been hurt. Everything in us tells us to turn around. Go back! But, we must press on. Loving is the only place that’s truly living. Thank you for sharing and for your support. :]

  3. Hi, Alyssa.
    I somehow came across the video of your late husband, Nick, discussing his faith and love for his daughter, and, firstly, I wanted to express my condolences for yours and Austyn’s loss – he seemed like a truly amazing man.
    Secondly, I wanted to tell you how inspired I am reading your postings. I haven’t wept so hard in a long while – not even kidding. I mean, the unconditional love you have for the world, and the optimism you exude, even after all you’ve experienced, reminds me to do exactly as you are doing: to forgive and to love without restraints.
    Thirdly, you have reminded me to speak to God tonight and always. Let me explain further what I mean: God has been testing my faith recently and I think I have been failing. I question His ways daily; why would my creator destroy His creations and inflict such pain on those who love him and those of whom he loves? As with my grandmother who recently passed from a brain tumour, and with Nick as well, I ask, why would God take away such faithful servants, and kind, undeserving souls? Now, I read this post, and I see that you, with grace, have conquered these questions, and have improved in your faith. You remind me that all this pain, heart ache – it’s all part of his plan for you, and me too. Also, that with the bad, comes the good. He is loving, and always there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on, or an ear to listen. He takes care of me, and those I love. He is the rock in my life, and without your messages and inspiration tonight, I don’t think I would’ve realized the importance of having God in my life.
    With that, I can’t thank you enough for sharing your stories with me and the world. You truly are an amazing, inspirational woman. Your strength, optimism and love are motivational to us all and I thank you for reminding me to have faith in Him.
    May God bless you and your beautiful daughter.

    1. Emilee, Thank you so much for reaching out to me. I am truly honored that you realized so much from my posts. I really don’t think it is God’s will or plan for our lives to turn out like this. I know it definitely wasn’t His plan in the beginning. He created life and not death and somehow free will and some human nature caused death to show it’s ugly head. I do not claim to have it all figured out, because I do not. I am far from it. But, I am to the point that I am ok with having questions sometimes. And, understanding that maybe right now, we aren’t supposed to understand. This life can be so hard to live sometimes and I promise you that we have all (or most of us… the honest ones, anyway) would admit that we have been right where you are. Keep clinging to God. Keep holding on. You are surrounded by people in your boat. Encourage them and love them as much as you can. Some of that will, undoubtedly make it back to you. But, the great thing is, when you are truly serving, you don’t even care if it does.

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