It’s Okay If You’re Not Okay

All in all, it’s beautiful

Sometimes you feel alone.

Sometimes you’re surrounded by friends.

At times your smile is brightest.

At times you wish you were dead.

Sometimes your heart skips a beat.

Sometimes you wonder where it went.

At times you hold the one you lost.

Until you realize what you thought was lost…

was actually only sent.


To share in these things… these bad things… These big dreams. These nightmares. These laughs. These screams… {{This}} is what it is to live. YOU are not alone. I am NOT alone. WE are all in this together. We ALL have those days… and THOSE days. This life is hard. This world can be so lonely. But, if you reach out… If you reach up…. You’ll find it really isn’t. We are all in this together.

We spend too much of our lives setting up expectations. Deciding what life should or shouldn’t be. This is where we are wrong.

For awhile, after I lost my baby to miscarriage… and awhile later, after I lost my husband to cancer…. I asked “Why?” …. “Why ME?”

But, now I see it for what it is. Why NOT me? Why not YOU? Why not us? We live in a reality where death is unfortunately an absolute and complete certainty. Everything in this world is decaying. Everything and everyone. Life is created on this planet and, in the same instant, thus starts the process of decay. I don’t think we were made for this. I don’t think this is our natural state, but I do know that we have to do with what we have and that we are in this.

It’s Okay if you aren’t okay

We haven’t been taught how to deal with pain. No matter what your pain is from, death, betrayal, denial, disappointment, or rejection, many of us try to deny it. Your pain is real and yet we all work so hard to hide it.

We post our smiles and our parties… We filter every picture and present a clean exterior as best we know how. Yes, let’s focus on the good days. Yes, let’s focus on the sunshine. But, please don’t turn your head to those who need you most. To those who are forced to live under a gloomy cloud today. It’s not all about finding peace, or even happiness on this side of heaven, it’s about LIVING as best we can. And LIVING sometimes means hurting.

But, beautiful things can be born of even the darkest days. Broken dark can allow for light to break through. When you feel it, let it shine. Let your guard down.

Be happy.

Or, be sad.

But, whatever you are… Be it, genuinely.

Everyone has a story. And… NO ONE ELSE can play your part. <3

Published by


Proud mom, blogger, and coffee consumer

14 thoughts on “It’s Okay If You’re Not Okay”

  1. Thank you for expressing these thoughts in the most beautiful way. We walk on similar paths and it’s always a comfort to know that we never travel through this life alone. Gods blessings to you always my dear friend.

    1. I’m not sure what I’ve done. ;) But, I do share what I feel like God has put on my heart. And that’s what He gave me. It is just fine if you dont always feel fine. This world, as much as it stinks, is broken and because of that it isn’t supposed to be easy.

  2. Your words always seem to be just what I need!! Thank you for sharing, I know it can’t be easy but you sure are doing an amazing job of helping others!! Bless you and your little <3

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