There is just TOO MUCH THAT’S WRONG. When is enough ENOUGH?

Far… Bombings in Paris. Genocide. Starvation. Civil Wars. Child Slavery. Terrorism.

Near… Poverty. Homelessness. Separation. Prostitution. Anxiety. Depression. Suicide. Addiction.

Here… In my OWN home: Too Much Death. My first baby died in my belly. My husband died of cancer.


And, here’s the thing… We can get ADDICTED to it.

Some days, I want to hole up in my house and bawl for hours. I can’t imagine standing up and I can’t get my mind off of the horrible, the horrific and the unimaginable. For all the weight that the Far, Near and Here tragedies and evils bring on me… I worry that I won’t ever get off the floor.

BUT, THEN… There are moments of light. Moments of TRUTH. 

Sparkles in my daughters’ eyes hinting at her mischief. Her smile that so much looks like her dad’s. The safety found in the arms of a man who loves me fiercely. The quiet words of my closest friend, telling me to trust in God. The smell of pine trees on a walk in the soft wind. A cup of coffee and a warm blanket. The unconditional love of family.


It’s easier (for me) to focus on the bad. BUT, I consciously make the choice (and sometimes I have to make it hourly) to focus on the GOOD and spread AS MUCH of that GOOD around as I can. 

Because we need to REMIND each other…. There IS GOOD after bad. There is LIFE after horrible, disgusting death. There is SEEING after blackness surrounds. There is LIGHT when all you felt before was crushing dark.

For instance… My husband died and I never thought I would find true love again. After months of battling with myself on if I should even allow myself to be happy again… I heard God’s truth over my life. I heard His call to LIVE. And, now, I can say it…. I AM TOTALLY, COMPLETELY IN LOVE.

At first, I wasn’t going to say it… quite like that. I even went back and deleted that sentence for a minute. I mean, if you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you might have guessed… But, the people who come right out and say things like this might be viewed as unwise, or childish, or foolish. Better to simply use a hashtag, right? (#inlove)

But, no, I’m putting it back. And, saying it again. I AM IN LOVE and IT IS GOOD. I don’t think good things are ever said enough. We are seen as silly to comment on the good and maybe seen as somewhat unrealistic. But, I WANT people to know the GOOD in my life, too. And, I WANT TO KNOW THE GOOD IN YOURS! I don’t think enough LIGHT is broadcasted in this world. All the DARK overshadows and the light is covered up. But, the LIGHT is JUST as REAL and as TANGIBLE as the DARK.

Here’s the thing about the bad. We don’t have to fear it. Because… GOOD ALWAYS WINS. LOVE ALWAYS WINS.

  • For all the wretched days that I watched my husband battle an invisible and terrorizing illness, I wouldn’t have traded an hour to have missed out on his love.
  • For all the blood that gushed from me, I wouldn’t trade a drop for the love I felt for that first soul I carried in my body.
  • For all the hurt of the excruciatingly, lonely, cold, horribly dark nights, I wouldn’t trade even one of them for the love that I’ve found in another true friend and beautiful soul.

So, I beg you… As you watch the news. As you think over your life. As you encounter the hard things today… REMEMBER the HAPPY. REMEMBER the GOOD. REMEMBER the JOY. And BELIEVE with ALL of your heart, that these things WILL return to you. 

We want evil vanquished.

We want darkness squashed.

But, we forget to remember what eradicates this evil and what beats out the darkness. 

Only the GOOD, the LIGHT and the LOVE can overcome the bad, the dark and the hate.

And, the best part is, that even in the valleys, I know that LOVE HAS ALREADY WON. 

I pray for every single soul reading this. That YOU will know the power of God and His light and His unfailing, ridiculous, amazing LOVE.

THIS HOPE, THIS LIGHT, THIS LOVE… WILL redeem all things. 

I’ve seen it before and I’ll see it again. <3



SHOUT YOUR GOOD FROM THE ROOFTOPS! Write it in the comments below. Tell it to the next person you meet. Write it on your Facebook. What is good in your life? SPREAD THE GOOD!


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Published by


Proud mom, blogger, and coffee consumer

4 thoughts on “TOO. MUCH. BAD.”

  1. SO many wonderful responses to whats GOOD in people’s lives! Check out my Facebook (link above) for the comments and add yours too (comment here or on the Facebook post). I want to know whats GOOD in YOUR life!!

  2. Where do I begin?! I am surrounded by so much love on a daily basis. My “love tank” is never empty! It never has been. Not for one day of my life. I am grateful for God’s perfect timing and His grace. My husband, my family, my friends, my house-GOODNESS everywhere I turn.

    Thank you for another inspiring post and congratulations on your engagement. A beautiful couple and family you make. If you ever find yourselves in NC I do hope we can meet.


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